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First Aid Needs Assessment

Why do you need an assessment of First-aid needs?

Regulation 3 of The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, states that an employer shall provide equipment, facilities, appropriate persons (including cover for absence), who are trained to the appropriate level.

Follow this link to use our First Aid needs assessment tool, you will then receive a report on recommendations on what equipment and training you should put into place. 


All In One Training Solutions will be more than happy to advise and discuss this further, please feel free to contact us.

Regulation 3.4 “An employer should make an assessment of first-aid needs appropriate to the circumstances (hazards and risks) of each workplace”. 

There is no need to formally record the findings of the assessment, however the guidance does state that it may be beneficial to demonstrate to the HSE how they decided on the first aid provision. 

Regulation 3.10 states that when assessing their needs, employers should consider:  

■ the nature of the work and workplace hazards and risks;  

■ the nature of the workforce;  

■ the organisation’s history of accidents; 

■ the size of the organisation;  

■ the needs of travelling, remote and lone workers;  

■ work patterns;  

■ the distribution of the workforce;  

■ the remoteness of the site from emergency medical services;  

■ employees working on shared or multi-occupied sites;  

■ annual leave and other absences of first-aiders and appointed persons;  

■ first-aid provision for non-employees.   

There are many other factors to consider when carrying out an assessment of First-aid needs. 

All in one training solutions can do all this for you as a one-off service or as part of a complete training package. You will receive a formal report with our recommendations, which can then be presented to a safety representative or a HSE inspector to show how the decisions for provision was made.

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